Plans for the future


The yellow outlined areas are currently owned by MPLLC, the three blue outlined area are possible acquisitions. The white outlined area are lots that are potentially for sale. The yellow outlined are that is not connected to any other area is also potentially saleable.

Potential projects:

Lot 45 and it’s captive lot. The county and Puueo Farm lots consider these to be separate pieces and charge us accordingly. We looked into doing a consolidation subdivision, but a different part of the county says they are not separate lots. We need to figure out what we want to do with these lots. Do we want two lots or one. If two, we could sell the overgrown lot. If one, we could lease the overgrown part to the sweet potato farmers.

We could make an attempt to change the conservation lot to some other designation by explaining that the justification for making it conservation resource no longer exists.